Home of the Dux!
Zeeland West High School
Zeeland Athletic Booster Club
Boosters Home.
We’re glad your son or daughter is participating in athletics for Zeeland High Schools and are thrilled to have you as part of our booster organization. ZABC is a parent/volunteer run organization, whose purpose is to provide assistance to our athletic programs, recognize and support student athletes and teams through purchase of uniforms and equipment, and offer scholarships for senior athletes.
As a member of ZABC, you have the opportunity to be an important part of our efforts. ZABC Funding is generated through memberships, concessions, partnerships, sponsorships and special events. Our primary source of funding is generated by staffing the concessions at high school sporting events. Each student athlete’s parents are asked to work concessions at least one time for each sport their son/daughter participated in during the school year. This is a great way to help ensure your teams are earning money. We appreciate your help in this area. Below is the 2023-2024 Concessions Calendar.