Home of the Dux!

Zeeland West High School

Boys 7/8 Creek Football

Camps & Clinics

Creekside Football Camp

Camps and Clinics

3.0 years ago







We are glad you have expressed interest in joining the Creekside Dux Football team. Welcome and we look forward to helping you have a great experience as a student athlete in our Zeeland West Football program.


Here are some important pieces of information that you and your parents need to know.


Football Camp- Zeeland West will have its annual football camp for 7th and 8th graders on July 13 to 15th  from 4:30-6:30pm at the Stadium. This camp is very important as we start your training in the Zeeland West program. All student athletes are encouraged to attend. Cost is $45.00. No need to sign up just show up on first day of camp. Please pay on the first day of camp to the coaches. No Helmets, Please take your own water bottle.


Coach Meppelink                              Coach Kloosterman

616-836-1277                                    616-836-0529
