Home of the Dux!

Zeeland West High School

Girls Freshman West Volleyball

Camps & Clinics

ZW Volleyball Summer 2021 Information

Camps and Clinics

3.0 years ago

Summer 2021 ZW Volleyball Information:

  1.  Zeeland Rec Youth Camps - June 21-24. Registration through Zeeland Recreation - https://www.zps.org/z-recreation/
    • Volley Tots – Grades K-2, 11:45-12:30pm. Zeeland East HS gym.
    • Elementary Camp – Grades 3-5, 10:15-11:30am. Zeeland East HS gym.
    • ZW Middle School Camp – Grades 6-7, 8:30-10:00am. Zeeland West HS gym.


  1. Dux Camp - June 28-July 1, 4:00pm -7:00pm. Cost $60 (This camp fee will be waived for players who also attend our Ferris State camp). Open to incoming 8th-12th graders. In this high school team camp, we will teach our offensive and defensive systems for next season. REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DUE BY JUNE 1ST.
    • Reserve your spot by filling out this REGISTRATION FORM:  https://forms.gle/TUwZVkjQrZ3Mw4Eq7  
    • OR you may register by mailing in attached document.
    • Please make checks payable to: Zeeland West Volleyball 
    • Please mail forms/payment to:   

                                                                              Brady Swanson, Head Volleyball Coach                    

                                                                             ZEELAND WEST HIGH SCHOOL,

                                                                            3390 100th Avenue

                                                                             Zeeland, MI 49464


  1. Ferris State Camp - July 11-13. Cost $225. Overnight Varsity team camp at Ferris State University. Varsity players encouraged to attend. If space is available, we may extend invitations to younger players. 


  1. Summer Scrimmages: July 19-22 6pm-9pm @ various locations. Varsity and JV teams will compete in scrimmages vs. local teams @ various host sites. Scrimmages will take place each night from 6pm-9pm. Host sites are still TBD, but we will let you know once they are finalized.


  1. Aquinas Showcase. Friday, July 23. Varsity and JV teams will participate in a tournament style showcase.


  1. Open gyms and skill workouts: TBA. We will announce open gyms and workout dates throughout the summer via FinalForms.