Boys Tennis 2018 (Varsity & JV)
Zeeland West Boys Tennis Summer Opportunities
Camps and Clinics
6.0 years ago
There are many opportunities for boys interested in playing tennis over the summer months. Camps and private lessons through MVP Sports (
in Holland and at the DeWitt Tennis Center at Hope College ( have proven to be highly effective training options. There will also be numerous dates (listed below) that are considered "open hits" where coaches will be at the Zeeland High School tennis courts to get out balls, ball machines, etc. to facilitate hitting and playing (all dates will be from 6-7:45pm). These are all optional opportunities but great chances to improve or at least maintain on skills in the off-season.
June: 11, 13, 18, 21, 25, 27
July: 10, 12, 23, 25
Please feel free to contact Coach Jeff Carlson with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.