Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling-Co-op vs. Thornapple Kellogg HS School
5.0 years ago @ 8:53PM | Jeremy Baum
- Game Date
- Jan 27, 2020
- Score
- Zeeland West High School: 12
Zeeland Boys jump out to a 10-0 baker lead against 1st place Thornapple Kellogg and never look back. The boys bowled best singles match of the year winning 7 of 9 points and scoring 1079. This secured the match. They continued to bowl well the second singles and took the match and swept TK this year winning 26-4. High games rolled by Nate Bruursema 246, Zach Baum 225, Grant Bush 222, 220, Isaiah Reyes 213,206.
Zeeland girls took their first loss of the season after a slow start in Bakers . The girls missed some costly spares in bakers and found themselves down 10-0. They fought hard in the first singles match but TK was hot and rolled a nice 810 total and secured the match. The girls still bowled their best in the second singles game winning 7 of 9 points and overall totals but lost the match 12-18. The girls were shorthanded due to a sickness but they made no excuses. Back to work tomorrow at practice to get better... High games rolled by Alyssa Fortney 224 and Morgan Smith 172