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Zeeland West High School

Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling-co-op

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling-Co-op vs. Multiple Opponents

6.0 years ago @ 7:40PM | Jeremy Baum
Game Date
Feb 16, 2019

Zeeland Girls got off to a slow start in the conference meet on the Allen Pattern at Park Center.  They did come back strong, shooting a new team high in game 2 and second game high for game 3.  They finished the tournament in 3rd and finished the regular season in 3rd.  High games rolled by Skylar Beverwyk 205 and Ellie Drenten 183.  Skylar Beverwyk was 2nd place for the All Tournament team.


The boys started out strong and built a lead over Wyoming and conference leader S. Christian in the 3 singles matches.  The boys had two weak baker games that allowed Wyoming to slip ahead and take the conference tournament.  Boys finished the tournament in 2nd. The boys are in a 3 way tie for the conference championship awaiting a make up match between Wyoming and TK.  High games were rolled by Zach Baum 200, Drew Wyckoff 203 and Gabe Reyes 233.  Drew Wyckoff was 7th, Zach Baum 4th and Gabe Reyes 2nd on the all tournament team.


Zeeland Girls had 3 selected for All Conference, Skylar Beverwyk, Morgan Smith and Ellie Drenten

Zeeland Boys had 3 selected for All Conference, Gabe Reyes, Zach Baum and Kyle Lambright.  Wyatt Langejans was selected All Conference honorable mention.
