Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling-Co-op vs. Multiple Opponents
6.0 years ago @ 1:28PM | Jeremy Baum
- Game Date
- Feb 9, 2019
The Zeeland Girls got off to a slow start, but improved every game and were seeded 5th after the singles games. The girls lost several close baker matches but did shoot a new high of 190. The girls finished 8th overall. High Games rolled by Morgan Smith 190 and Skylar Beverwyk 203.
The Zeeland boys came out strong shooting over a 1000 in their first singles game. They continued to bowl steady and were seeded 2nd going into the Bakers. The boys came out and bowled a new Baker high of 279. They continued to bowl great and made the final four cut and were seeded 2nd again. The boys bowled a Caledonia team that got very hot. Caledonia rolled a 221 and 299 (yes one pin away from a perfect game). Our boys bowled two nice games and finished in 3rd. High games rolled by Gabe Reyes 247,217, Isaiah Reyes 231, Zach Baum 222, Kyle Lambright 204 and Wyatt Langejans 201.