Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling-Co-op vs. South Christian HS School
6.0 years ago @ 10:46PM | Jeremy Baum
- Game Date
- Feb 5, 2019
- Score
- Zeeland West High School: 16
Zeeland boys started slow and again found themselves down 10-0 against an undefeated S. Christian team. The boys stormed back in singles winning 8 of 9 points and Gabe Reyes throwing the first 9 strikes in route to a great 267 game. The boys threw a great 1039 game and were up 217 pins on totals. The boys needed to win 2 points the second game and totals for the victory. The second match was extremely tight. Zach Baum threw three strikes in the tenth to secure his point and add to totals. Gabe Reyes spared in the tenth and threw a 7 count on his next shot to win his point by one pin. The boys took the match 16-14 and gave S. Christian their first loss. High games rolled by Gabe Reyes 267,190, Zach Baum 224, 192 and Wyatt Langejans 216.
Zeeland Girls started their match by spliting the bakers and taking a 6-4 lead. The girls started their first singles match slow but came on strong at the end and won 7 of 9 points and had a 13-6 lead. The girls continued their great bowling in the second match winning 8 of 9 and taking the match 23-7. High games rolled by Skylar Beverwyk 215 and Morgan Smith 170.