Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling-Co-op vs. East Grand Rapids HS School
6.0 years ago @ 9:16AM | Jeremy Baum
- Game Date
- Dec 3, 2018
- Score
- Zeeland West High School: 29
Boys got off to a fast start and won both baker games. They continued to bowl strong with a 1034 first game total led by Kyle Lambright's 246, Zach Baum's 220, Wyatt Langejans 194 and Gabe Reyes 189.
They continued to score well the second game led by Isaiah Reyes 199 and Zach Baum's 189. Boys won their match 29-1
The girls came out strong as well winning both Baker games. It continued into the singles matches as well. High games rolled by Skylar Beverwyk 191, 175. The girls took the match 28-2.