Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Northview HS School
6.0 years ago @ 11:05AM
- Game Date
- Feb 15, 2019
The Jenison/Zeeland Hockey team had a nice win over Northview on Friday night. The game ended early in the 3rd period as the Wildcats reached the 8 goal differential considered a mercy in hockey.
Scoring Summary:
Brandon Veltema goal - Anthony Mollica assist
Jackson Bolthouse goal - Noah Sheldon assist
Ethan Vandesteeg goal - Mollica assist
Mollica goal - Bolthouse assist
Sheldon goal - Bolthouse and Nick Rathsack assists
Mike Puruleski goal - Gavin Phillips assist
Nate Werley shorthanded goal - R.J. Rathsack assist
Vandesteeg goal - Sheldon assist
Vandesteeg unassisted to get the **Hat Trick**