Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Freshman West Volleyball vs. HC and SC
1 year ago @ 2:01PM
- Game Date
- Oct 12, 2023
The Freshman Dux traveled to Holland Christian for a Tri vs Holland Christian and South Christian. The Dux took down HC in 3 sets (24-26, 25-17, 15-9). The Dux then had a hard fought loss to South Christian (25-23, 25-22). Both games were very competitive volleyball and were good challenges for the Dux. The Dux season record is now 19-5. The Dux will be in action on Tuesday at Zeeland East at 5pm. Below are the stats from the Tri:
4 - Halle Reider, Jenna Hendricks, Sadie Kragt
3 - Kelsey Nienhuis, Caroline Miller
19 - Sadie Kragt
12 - Halle Reider
7 - Emily Haskill
6 - Caroline Miller
2 - Kelsey Nienhuis, Brielle Carlson
17 - Kelsey Nienhuis
4 - Caroline Miller
2 - Aaliyah Le
1 - Sadie Kragt, Halle Reider
10 - Jenna Hendricks
7 - Brielle Carlson
4 - Aaliyah Le
2 - Sadie Kragt
1 - Kelsey Neinhuis
1 HUGE block - Jenna Hendricks