Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Junior Varsity West Basketball vs. Coopersville HS School
6.0 years ago @ 10:00PM
- Game Date
- Dec 11, 2018
- Score
- Zeeland West High School: 52
The JV Girls Basketball team played their first home game of the year on Tuesday, defeating Coopersville 52-27 in non conference action. West game out with high energy and great communication defensively, resulting in a 17-5 lead at the end of the first quarter. The Dux would take a 17 point (30-13) lead into halftime and would never look back. West lead by as many as 30 points in the second half, in route to the 25 point victory. 8 of 9 Dux scored, lead by Maddie Settlemyre with 20 points and Abby Winn with 8 points. The girls will be back in action next week Tuesday in another non conference game against Kellogsville.