Game Summaries & Headlines.
ZW Volleyball Postseason Awarads
3.0 years ago @ 9:48AM
- Game Date
- Nov 4, 2021
Six ZW volleyball players earned post season honors for the 2021 season. Congrats to these players and the volleyball team on a great season!
Abby Winn:
Region 6 All-Region Team
OK Green 1st team All-Conference
Holland Sentinel All-Area First team
Season Stats: 273 Kills, .300% hitting percentage, 3.6 Kills per set, 250 serve attempts, 21 aces, 90% serve percentage, 145 digs, 293 serve receive attempts, 91% SR percentage with 2.0 SR rating.
Lindsey Houle:
OK Green 1st team All Conference
Holland Sentinel All- Area First team
Season Stats: 81 Kills, 717 assists, 7.7 assists per set, 387 serve attempts with 50 aces, 91% serve percentage, 178 digs, 36 blocks.
Hana Hescott:
OK Green 1st team All Conference
Holland Sentinel All- Area First team
Season Stats: 149 Kills, .204 hitting percentage, 46 Blocks, 287 serve attempts with 25 aces, 88% serving percentage, 54 digs
Ally Yonker:
OK Green 1st team All Conference
Holland Sentinel All- Area First team
Season Stats: 249 digs, 2.76 digs per set, 571 SR attempts, 95% SR percentage, 2.12 SR rating, 54 assists, 273 serve attempts with 37 aces, 90.5% serving percentage
Lindy Gulker:
OK Green Honorable Mention All-Conference
Holland Sentinel All-Area Second team
Season Stats: 162 kills, .123% hitting percentage. 143 digs, 249 Serve attempts, 85.5% serving, 27 aces. 223 SR attempts
Abby Nash:
OK Green Honorable Mention All-Conference
Holland Sentinel All-Area Second team
Season Stats: 119 Kills, .180% hitting percentage, 14 Blocks, 50 Digs, 55 Serve attempts with 5 aces.
Check out the Holland Sentinal All Area teams here: