Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Freshman West Baseball vs. Coopersville HS School
2.0 years ago @ 10:25AM
- Game Date
- May 11, 2022
- Score
- Zeeland West High School: 3
Carson Nash had all the right stuff on Wednesday for Zeeland West Freshman Dux, allowing zero runs and besting Coopersville Broncos Freshman by a score of 3-0
The pitching was strong on both sides. Nash struck out four, while Coopersville Broncos Freshman pitchers sat down three.
In the first inning, Zeeland West Freshman Dux got their offense started when Koen Rutkauskas doubled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run.
A single by Matt Wolbrink in the first inning was a positive for Coopersville Broncos Freshman.
Nash was the winning pitcher for Zeeland West Freshman Dux. The hurler went five innings, allowing zero runs on seven hits and striking out four.
Alex Umlor took the loss for Coopersville Broncos Freshman. The bulldog surrendered three runs on seven hits over three innings, striking out one.
Zeeland West Freshman Dux had eight hits in the game. Rutkauskas and Jacob Lencioni all collected multiple hits for Zeeland West Freshman Dux. Lencioni and Rutkauskas each managed two hits to lead Zeeland West Freshman Dux.