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Zeeland West High School

Boys Freshman West Baseball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Freshman West Baseball vs. Coopersville HS School

2.0 years ago @ 9:56AM
Game Date
Apr 27, 2022
Zeeland West High School: 9

Koen Rutkauskas threw a gem on Wednesday for Zeeland West Freshman Dux, allowing zero runs and besting Coopersville Broncos Freshman by a score of 9-0


Zeeland West Freshman Dux secured the victory thanks to seven runs in the fourth inning.  Alex Rotman, Rutkauskas, Lucas Smith, Blake Matthews, Logan Wyckoff, and  Noah VanderVelde each had RBIs in the big inning.


Zeeland West Freshman Dux got things moving in the first inning, when Smith doubled on a 3-2 count, scoring one run.


Zeeland West Freshman Dux scored seven runs in the fourth inning.  Zeeland West Freshman Dux big bats were led by Rotman, Rutkauskas, Smith, Matthews, Wyckoff, and  VanderVelde, who all drove in runs.


One bright spot for Coopersville Broncos Freshman was a single by Justin Humphreys in the fourth inning.


Rutkauskas was the winning pitcher for Zeeland West Freshman Dux. The fireballer surrendered zero runs on two hits over five innings, striking out 12 and walking zero.

Zeeland West Freshman Dux totaled 11 hits.  Smith and VanderVelde all managed multiple hits for Zeeland West Freshman Dux.  VanderVelde and Smith all had two hits to lead Zeeland West Freshman Dux.  Zeeland West Freshman Dux was sure-handed and didn't commit a single error. Jacob Lencioni made the most plays with  13.
