Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Junior Varsity West Basketball vs. Coopersville HS School
3.0 years ago @ 9:07AM
- Game Date
- Dec 21, 2021
- Score
- Zeeland West High School: 36
The JV boys Dux started the holiday tournament with a 36-29 win over the Coopersville Broncos. The Dux struggled in the first half with the defense intensity of the Broncos and trailed at half 13-16. The boys amped up their intensity in the 3rd quarter and outscored the Broncos 14-6 lead by a great defensive effort to take the lead and finished the 4th 9-7, for a final of 36-29. The boys should the signs of a great team to find a way to win while shots were not falling by putting in an excellent defensive effort. The Dux were led by Orion Yant with 11 and Trenton Bolhouse with 9. Khi Anderson and Micah each chip in 5 and Jacob Eckert had 4. The Dux will continue play tonight at Zeeland West against Gull Lake with a 5:30 tip off.