Home of the Dux!

Zeeland West High School

Boys Varsity West Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Dux Fall to Byron at Regional Tennis Tournament

4.0 years ago @ 12:00PM | Lance McKinney
Game Date
Oct 7, 2020

The Dux Boys Tennis season ended on Wednesday.  The Dux lost to Byron Center 3-5 in the regional tournament opening round which was hosted by Portage Central.  The Dux fought the entire day but fell short of moving onto the regional final.  The winning flights included Nate Kollen/Toby Reinardy at 1 doubles, Grant Bush/Simon Moore at 2 doubles, and Owen Quillan/Luke Henry at 3 doubles.  

The Dux season ends with a great deal of success.  Winning the Holland Quad, the regular season conference title, and the conference tournament title which lead to the first outright conference title in Zeeland West Boys Tennis History.  Thank you to the seniors who are leaving us and all the young men who made this season as memorable as it was.
