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Zeeland West High School

Boys Varsity West Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

West Varsity Boys Golf take 5th out of 18 at the Division 2 Region 8 Tournament

1 year ago @ 10:12PM
Game Date
Jun 1, 2023

The West varsity golf team placed 5th our of 18 today at the Division 2 Region 8 Tournament held at Diamond Springs Golf Course.  Senior Malachi Le and Sophomore Logan Bomers had a pair of 79's which was T-9th overall out of 89 players.  Sophomore Tyler Baumann added a 93 while Senior Tyler Engelsman contributed a 97.  Both Logan and Malachi made it to a playoff for the final individual spot to go the Division 2 State Tournament but unfortunately lost on a great shot by the third player in the playoff from Otsego.  The team had a solid showing and should be proud of their play.  
