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Zeeland West High School

CoEd Varsity West Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

CoEd Varsity West Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents

1 month ago @ 11:43AM | ZESPN Student Journalist Sophia Vo
Game Date
Jan 29, 2025


The Zeeland West Wrestling team lost 15-60 away at Holland High Wednesday night. Winning matches on the night were Fr. Madi Galaviz, Soph. Emmaline Kouw, Jrs. Aidan Chavez, Austin Ulberg, and Sr. Justin Sanchez.

Varsity Assistant Coach Kelly Lepley stated, “We as a team dug deep to try to get some wins. It didn’t go our way tonight, but we can hope for more work before our varsity conference tournament on Friday.”

Sanchez commented, “My match started pretty slow but as it went on, it came out faster. It was a good hard fought match that I won.”

The DUX had some tough matches Wednesday night and fought their hardest, but they ended up losing. 

On Friday, the Varsity team will be competing at the OK Black Conference Meet held by Hamilton at 5 and the JV team will be competing Saturday morning for their JV Conference Meet.
